Thursday, March 21, 2013

So Excited

It has been a long time since I have felt so excited and free and joyful. I woo-hoo'd all the way home in the car last night, so much that I was hoarse when I got home. You see, I got a new job last night. Here's the thing. A few days earlier, I sent a request to the Universe, asking for a new opportunity. My old job was just too stressful and soul sucking, with little to no satisfaction. My coworkers are mostly bitter and negative and unhappy. And really, if anyone has an excuse to be bitter and unhappy, I could take that. But I am not defined by the events that happened to me, but rather the way I rise above them and move on. And I have been extremely positive. Well, the Universe answered me with an attorney approaching me asking if I knew anyone who wanted to be a legal secretary. Silly me, I thought he was asking in general, didn't realize that he had me in mind. So he said to call him, and I spent the weekend fretting over whether I wanted to go for it or not. Yeah, I was terrified. Would I be qualified enough? Would I have enough of an education? Etc. Etc.  Then on Tuesday I ran into him and he said "Cindy, what the hell?, I thought you were gonna call me?" So I committed to an interview for Wednesday night after work. And fretted all day, same shit. Well, I mentioned it to Brad, my therapist hero, and he worked me through the fear. I am worthy, by God! And by Wednesday morning I was so excited I could hardly wait. Well, when I got there, I was prepared to interview, to work to get the job. It appears that the job was already mine. Do you know how flattering that is? You see, all these years I have been an excellent, hardworking, dedicated employee and never really got anywhere. The county froze our salaries, took away a lot of our benefits, etc. during budget cuts, so we were stuck. But evidently the attorneys were watching, and my hard work was not going unnoticed. So I was offered the position and I am so excited! I love this guy - he has an awesome sense of humor and is very fun loving and goofy. And icing on the cake, today after I formally resigned from my old position, and was spreading the news, a couple of attorneys approached me to congratulate me. Huh?? don't know how they knew, but there is some underground info mill going on. And Brad, my new boss, came in and said the same thing - how all these attorneys were telling him how lucky he is to have nabbed me! Flattery overload! They like me , they really, really like me. And that has to make him feel good about the deal.  So my friends, I am going to celebrate.

And now for a shower. It is the second day of spring and it snowed today. I need to implore the Universe to send warmth and sunshine and just enough rain as needed to grow some rich lush pasture and hayfields. We need grass! We have another old cow who is struggling and her calf needs some help. This weekend I am going to get him in the barn and start feeding him. We will bring the other two down and put them in the stall with him and then have all three together. They are really eating me out of house and home, but now I am going to be making enough money to afford them.

I guess the point I want to make is that the Universe absolutely did answer my call.  Wonderful things are beginning to happen to me and I deserve them. The more I step back and just allow, the more blessings come my way.

Many blessings to all!

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