Friday, June 7, 2013

Really Fun Night

Ah, it is very late, almost midnight, but I wanted to blog this since it was such a fun night tonight. Really did not expect to be out so late, but Bonnie and I went to have dinner with Uncle Al and the rest of the family. It was so great to see him again and when we were leaving, he held my hand and told me I am just as much part of the family as ever - more so. Which made me want to cry since Chip's family has really taken me under their wings. Especially my sister in law Nancy and my niece Susie and her husband Justin and their little boy. Great feeling. And of course, Chip was there too.

Then Bonnie took me to St. Bernard's festival where the Remains were playing and we listened to the band and had a grand time. They play lots of the old 60's and 70's stuff. Mostly the Beatles, Moody Blues and the Stones. So I figured what the hell, and got in front of the stage and danced. And Bonnie took a picture. So I let go of my inhibitions and allowed myself to have a great time.

So anyway. That was tonight. Now I think I need a nice shower and bed. Pretty awake still so maybe some reading first. But it really felt good to get out and do something, just like a few weeks ago when we went to the amusement park. Great start to what I hope to be a great weekend. Usually the weekends are pretty lonely since everybody has their own stuff to do, so it is great that I got to spend time with Bonnie and Uncle Al.

I hope that Brad (The Grissom) will appreciate the courage it took for me to get out there like that. I am normally way too shy to do that kind of stuff.  But if my path is going to take me in that direction, I am going to be speaking to large groups of people in the near future. Maybe this was a test to see if I can get comfortable with it. And believe me, I am ready to do whatever it takes.

Laters Baby

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