Thursday, July 11, 2013


Ok, that may be a little over the top, but Woo Hoo anyway! Was sitting here, thinking I was just going to get a nice shower and settle in with the new book I ordered, and Syd called to see if I could take her to the farm to feed the calves. So ok. Reluctantly I gave up my easy evening of rest and picked her up. But then it got nice because I got to see her and Mason, and while she fed, I decided to bush hog. The bush hog worked like a dream and I was able to get the majority of the barn yard mowed. Then unhooked and got myself into the barn to pick up a bale of hay for the calves. Then I was actually able to maneuver into the big barn, beside the big tractor and get the bale positioned pretty well in there. Woot! What a huge feeling of satisfaction.

And today at work was great. Brad texted me a video that Reagan sent for me, showing me their dog and saying that she likes me. Love love love this! And Becky sang the diarrhea song for me, and I was rolling. Brad even walked by and started to crack up.

And I have felt so much peace since last night. I had a nice conversation with a dear friend and can now once and for all be at peace and stop beating myself up. I am so glad you made the time to talk with me, because I think it was good for both of us.  And I got to bed at a reasonable time. Which I plan to do tonight as well. Thank you.  Please know that you are an awesome person and I appreciate you.

That is all for tonight. Mind is tired and I still need to fix something to eat and take a shower and get to bed - it is almost 10:00 already and I need to be in bed by 10:30. Tomorrow is Friday, so maybe I will have something worthwhile to say.

Love to all.

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